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Resides in: Apopa, El Salvador
Birth Date: March 26, 2014

Age:  2 years old

Number of Family Members: 4 



Resides: Ahuachapan, El Salvador

Birth Date:  September 24, 2000

Age: 16 years old

Number of Family Members: 3

Current Project: Alisson

Alisson is an only child. She lives with her parents and grandmother in one of the most dangerous areas of San Salvador. They must always be very careful when leaving their home. Alisson is being raised by her grandmother because her mother acquired a bacterial infection during childbirth which caused tuberculosis and has made it impossible for her to care for her own child. Alisson’s father works as a gardener to support the family but his work is not steady. At 9 months of age, Alisson was diagnosed with a heart condition. She is often short of breath when she plays and turns purple when she cries. This family is praying for miracles; especially for their precious child so that her heart may be healed and she can grow up to be healthy.

Gilberto lives with his mother and grandmother in a tiny rented structure made of sheet metal and adobe. Gilberto enjoys school and is a good student, however the walk to and from school is very tiring for him. Some days he is not able to attend because he is too tired or too short of breath. Gilberto loves to play basketball but he must often sit down to rest when he would rather be playing. Both Gilberto’s mother and grandmother make pupusas and sell them on the street to support the family. Gilberto was diagnosed with a heart condition immediately after he was born. The hospital in the area where they live could not offer any help for him. Two years ago, his mother took him to Hospital Bloom in San Salvador where he was placed on the waiting list for an interventional catheterization procedure to heal his heart.

Current Project: Gilberto

Household Income: $8/day
Hospital: Hospital Diagnostico

Cath Date:  To be confirmed

Needed: $1300

Household Income: $5/day
Hospital: Hospital Diagnostico

Cath Date:  To be confirmed

Needed: $1300

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