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Dalhousie Chapter

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Joshua Feld


Hi Everyone! My name is Joshua Feld and I am a fourth-year biology major doing an honours at Dalhousie University. In my spare time, I enjoy hockey, ultimate frisbee, camping, chess and getting involved in my community. I have always had a passion for heart-related initiatives
like the Heart4Heart charity and have done extensive work fundraising with the Ride for Heart and advocating for increased CPR awareness and greater accessibility to AEDs in schools and public buildings in Toronto. I also volunteered in public health in Madagascar and saw the
lack of funding and resources they had in their local hospitals. With limited medical supplies, people with treatable conditions such as congenital heart disease could not receive the life-saving surgeries needed to survive. For that reason, I felt compelled to take part in the
Heart4Heart charity and I am grateful to be able to help create positive change in the world by giving children the opportunity to live fulfilling lives.

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Travis Price

VP Event Lead

Hi, My name is Travis and I am currently a student at Dalhousie University majoring in Computer Science. I am passionate about photography and outdoor activities including hiking and ultimate frisbee. I had done some fundraising work in high school and was looking to
continue with it once entering university and the Heart 4 Heart Organization seemed like a perfect fit. I am excited to set and work towards new goals and challenges with the organization this year.

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Anahita Hollenhorst

VP Primary Event Organizer

Hi! My name is Ana and I am in my second year of Medical Sciences at Dalhousie University. I love baking, art, and doing puzzles. One of my favorite parts about Heart4Heart is coming together as a group and sharing all of our creative ideas to raise money for children with
congenital heart disease. I am looking forward to seeing Heart4Heart grow and expand even more and I am very lucky to be a part of that. It has been such a joy planning for events and I couldn’t have asked for a better group to do it with.

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Katie Watson

VP Treasurer

Hi! My name is Katie and I’m in my 2nd year of Medical Sciences at Dalhousie University. In my spare time, I like skiing, playing hockey, spending time outside, and cooking. Heart4Heart has been an amazing opportunity to get involved with a great cause. It is incredibly rewarding to see our ideas come to life at our fundraising and awareness events, and to know our hard work is helping children live long, healthy lives.

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Adie Scott

VP Event Lead

Hi! My name is Adie and I am in second year medical sciences at Dalhousie University. I enjoy going to the gym, playing volleyball, and spending time with my family whenever I get the chance! I was involved in volunteering at a therapeutic riding stable, and in the cardiac investigations unit at my local hospital before coming to Dal. I knew I wanted to continue volunteering during school, and Heart 4 Heart was a great cause that aligned with my interests. I love hearing and contributing to the creative fundraising ideas our team has, and
most importantly seeing direct results of our actions when we raise enough money to pay for a child's surgery and improve their quality of life.

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Rachael Ansems

VP Third Year Representative

Hello! My name is Rachael and I am in my third year of Medical Sciences at Dalhousie University. Outside of school, I am a figure skater and figure skating coach and also enjoy playing tennis, baking and kayaking. Getting involved with Heart4Heart is special to me, as my oldest brother was diagnosed with congenital heart disease as a child, and my other brother and I also have heart conditions. This personal experience has given me a different perspective on how privileged we are to live in Canada and have access to life-saving surgery and care for heart disease. I am looking forward to helping raise awareness about congenital heart disease, as well as helping out children with CHD that need life-saving surgery!

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Emma Whyte

VP Social Media

Hey! My name is Emma and I am a first year Medical Sciences student at Dalhousie University. Some things I do outside of school include playing rugby as well as coaching youth rugby, but I also enjoy playing the guitar and spending time with my friends. I am super happy that I have the opportunity to be involved with such a great cause like Heart4Heart. I’ve always enjoyed being involved in some sort of volunteering, so I’m super glad I can continue that at Dal! It’s super exciting to see our chapter grow and put on more and more fundraisers, especially for such an amazing cause!

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Amanda Feld

VP Primary Event Organizer

Hi everyone! My name is Amanda Feld and I am a first year integrated science student. I love being outdoors especially hiking and camping, playing sports, and spending time with friends. I am so lucky to be a part of Heart 4 Heart, a charity that gives me the opportunity to help communities in need and provides life-saving treatment for children around the world suffering from congenital heart disease. I was diagnosed with a heart condition when I was eight years old and have been taking part in raising awareness about the importance of CPR and AEDs for years since. It means a lot to be able to see how our charity directly supports children living with CHD live long and healthy lives on an individualistic basis.

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Emily Boudreau

VP Event Lead

Hi! My name is Emily Boudreau, and I am a second-year student in the Medical Sciences program at Dalhousie University. In my spare time, I enjoy going for hikes, listening to music, playing with my dog, and watching the sunset. I am super excited to be involved in the Dalhousie H4H chapter this year. I have a congenital heart defect (CHD), and I am thankful that our healthcare system allows me to receive the cardiac care that I need. My first-hand experience has increased my passion to help those that are less fortunate in receiving their CHD treatments. I am grateful for the opportunity to positively impact the lives of youth in need by leading fundraising events and spreading awareness about CHD/H4H.

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Tehya MacDonald

VP Secretary

Hi! My name is Tehya and I’m in my 2nd year of Microbiology & Immunology at Dalhousie University. In my spare time, I enjoy playing volleyball, running, gym workouts, and spending time outside. Heart4Heart has offered a meaningful opportunity to positively impact and support children in need. The rewarding collaboration within our team to raise awareness and funds for congenital heart disease provides children with the chance to live long, fulfilling lives.

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CharlLee McKay

General Member

Hi! My name is CharlLee McKay, and I’m a second-year majoring in Microbiology and Immunology at Dalhousie. In my spare time, I like hanging out with my friends, going on walks, reading and doing puzzles with my roommates. Volunteering with different organizations, like the IWK children's hospital, has always been something enjoyed doing. When I first heard about Heart4Heart I knew it was something I wanted to get involved with and help create a positive impact on kids living with CHD. I was diagnosed with a heart condition when I was 13 and it changed my life and I am so lucky to have access to the medical care I need. Spreading awareness about heart health is so important to me, so I am so excited to be a part of Heart4Heart and help raise money for kids with CHD!

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Noah Stevens

General Member

Hi! My name is Noah Stevens, and I’m a second year Medical Science student here at Dalhousie. In my spare time I enjoy playing basketball, going to the gym, as well as seeing friends and family! I’ve always been heavily involved with volunteer organizations such as my local Fire Department and I wanted to continue to be involved when I came to Dalhousie. Having family who have had trouble affording health care in the past, I felt compelled to join the H4H team as it offers an amazing opportunity to support others in need. So far, H4H has been an amazing experience and it’s incredible seeing the impact that we make as a society.

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Rachel Fougere

General Member

Hi! My name is Rachel Fougere, and I’m a second-year student majoring in Biochemistry here at Dalhousie. In my spare time, I enjoy highland dancing, hanging out with my friends, going on hikes/runs, and yoga. Prior to coming to Dalhousie, I was heavily involved with my highschool’s student council and I knew I wanted to continue that same involvement at Dal. Heart4Heart offers myself the opportunity to learn, be involved, and spread awareness about an amazing cause to the community. I’m super grateful to be apart of an organization that is helping create a positive change and cannot wait to achieve new goals together!

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